Using the Classic Action Designer (CAD)

Use the Classic Action Designer (CAD) to create and edit actions associated with the workspace or object context.

Accessing the Classic Action Designer from the Neurons for ITSM Application

To access the Classic Action Designer from the Neurons for ITSM application, your role must have create and edit permission for actions. See Working with Roles.

1.Log in to Neurons for ITSM.

2.Open a workspace.

3.From the Action Menu, select Edit Actions. The application displays the Action Designer selection popup.

4.Select Classic Action Designer.

Classic Action Designer

Accessing the Classic Action Designer from the Configuration Console

1.From the Configuration Console, click Build > Automation Tools > Quick Actions to open the Actions Manager workspace. The list of business objects that have actions appears.

2.Click Add/Editto see the actions for the business object. The application displays the Action Designer selection popup.

3.Select Classic Action Designer

4.Open an action from either the Your Actions or the Create New Actions tab.

Parts of the Classic Action Designer

The Classic Action Designer consists of three main areas:

The actions tabs on the left.

Your Actions Actions defined for the specific workspace and your logged-in role. Some of the actions are grouped into folders. By default, the actions are filtered based on their association.
Create New Actions Action types that you use to create actions.

The toolbar preview list contains actions defined for the workspace.

These actions are defined for each individual workspace by the administrator.

If these actions are not accessible to you, a lock button appears in the upper right corner of each action button.

The actions interface is the main area of the window.

Field Description
Button area Contains the interface buttons, such as Edit, Clone, Disable, Delete, and Append action.
Configuration interface

Contains the action parameters. Each action type has different parameters.

Action Settings tab For the selected action, contains the publishing permissions, visibility, and prompt requirements. See Action Settings Tab.
Insert a Field tab

Contains the fields and relationships that are associated with a business object. Drag and drop a field or relationship into the configuration interface area.

Insert a Function tab Contains the functions that are associated with a business object. Drag and drop a function into the configuration interface area.

Creating a New Action

1.From the Configuration Console, click Build > Automation Tools > Quick Actions to open the Actions Manager workspace. The list of business objects that have actions appears.

2.Click Add/Edit to see the actions for the business object. The application displays the Action Designer selection popup.

3.Select Classic Action Designer.

4.Select the Create New Actions tab to view a list of action guides. These guides are the basis for various actions.

5.Select an action guide type. The Action Configuration interface appears.

6.Enter data into the configuration fields as required. Each action guide uses both common and specific fields. See Common Action Fields. For specific parameters and actions for the action type, see Action Templates.

7.Click Save. The action now appears under the No Category section of the Action Menu.

Modifying an Action

You can change specific actions within an action. For example, you can change which fields are referenced within an action.

1.From the Configuration Console, click Build > Automation Tools > Quick Actions to open the Actions Manager workspace. The list of business objects that have actions appears.

2.Click Add/Edit to see the actions for the business object. The application displays the Action Designer selection popup.

3.Select Classic Action Designer.

4.Select the action from the Your Actions list. The Action Configuration interface appears.

5.Click Edit from the button area to activate the configuration interface.

Classic Action Designer Edit

6.Modify the configuration fields as required. Each action guide uses both common and specific fields. See Common Action Fields. For specific parameters and actions for the action type, see Action Templates.

7.Click Save.

Adding Multiple Actions to an Action

See ding Multiple Actions to a Quick Action.

Disabling an Action

You can disable an action without deleting it or removing it permanently from the Your Actions list. For example, if you have created an action that you might not want to make available immediately, you can disable it.

1.From the Configuration Console, click Build > Automation Tools > Quick Actions to open the Actions Manager workspace. The list of business objects that have actions appears.

2.Click Add/Edit to see the actions for the business object. The application displays the Action Designer selection popup.

3.Select Classic Action Designer.

4.Click the Your Actions tab and select the action to disable.

5.From the action header, click Disable. The button now reads enable.

6. To enable the action, click Enable. The button now reads disable.

Disabled actions continue to send notifications when defined to operate within a workflow. To prevent disabled actions from sending notifications, you must remove the action from each workflow block.

Deleting an Action

You can only delete an action you have created, unless you are an administrator or have a role with delete permissions.

From the Configuration Console

From the Neurons for ITSM Application

From the Configuration Console

1.From the Configuration console, click Build > Automation Tools > Quick Actions to open the Actions Manager workspace. The list of business objects that have actions appears.

2.Click Add/Edit to see the actions for the business object. The application displays the Action Designer selection popup.

3.Select Classic Action Designer.

4.Click the Your Actions tab and select the action to delete.

5.Click Delete. The Delete Confirmation window appears.

Two Delete buttons appear at the top of the interface. Choose the lower Delete button to permanently remove the action from the application. The upper Delete button is locked.

6.Click Yes.

From the Neurons for ITSM Application

1.Log in to Neurons for ITSM.

2.Open a workspace.

3.From the Action Menu, select Edit Actions. The application displays the Action Designer selection popup.

4.Select Classic Action Designer.

5.Click the Your Actions tab and select the action to delete.

6.Click Delete. The Delete Confirmation window appears.

7.Click Yes.